Thursday 14 July 2011

As if I’m not there - Teaser Trailer Analysis

Analysis of teaser trailer
"As if I’m not there"
 I will do a basic analysis of what narrative and information about the film can be deduced
Notes and observations:
-The woman has a number tattooed on her wrist
-There are two states of the film
·         A happy free state when things are bright and beautiful
·         A sad and miserable state where it is dark, dirty and miserable
The main characters,
§  a young woman in her 20s
§  A Younger girl ( Sister / Daughter to older girl)
§  A young man, balled, and dark
§  An older man with longer hair and a beard
§  Another older man with whom the woman sleeps
Ø  Eastern Europe?
Ø  Mountains and large open spaces
Ø  Busses and small confined rooms
Ø  Darker moments set at night
Ø  Lighter/happier moments set during the day
Mise en scene
§  Poor, basic and dirty clothing. Suggestions of low status
§  Head scarves and cultured clothing
§  Scenery seems simply for setting and unrelated in the trailer in trailer
§  Casting seems appropriate and actors convey genre well


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